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Unidirectional gearing - was Synchro drive in Lego
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 16:37:50 GMT
Medical Informatics Consulting <MEDINFO@AROS.stopspamNET>
1863 times
Here's a really simple (but not fool-proof way):

Feed the motor output into a differential gear.  The output from the
differentials run out through beams and have a medium gear just outside
the beam.  Then suspend another beam
from one end using a single regular peg in the last hole on the beam.  The
other end of the beam engages a medium sized gear.  Just repeat in the
opposite direction on the other side.

So the outside looks something like this:

   Basic Frame                           Side View of ratchet

  Beam     Beam                                   _
   ||       ||                          ---------/-/------
   ||  Diff ||                           O O O O/O/O O O O
  #|| [ ^ ] ||#                         -------/-/--------
-#||-[{ }]-||#-                        ------/-/---------
  #|| [   ] ||#                          O O / / O O O O O
   || $$$$$ ||  Med. Gear               ----/-/-###-------
   ||   |   ||                          ----\/#######-----
      MMMMM                              O O ######### O O
      Motor                             ------#######-----
                                         O O O O O O O O O

Hope this makes sense.

the proble with this method is that it will in time ruin the ratchet beam
and the ratchet gear.

You can also check out:

Michael Powells's transmission page at:

Matt Sailors

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Paul Speed wrote:

S. Crawshaw wrote:

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Paul Speed wrote:

one of those fancy turntable thingies.  What I ended up with was
something like this:

      My original thinking was to try and figure out a way to
get the whole assembly to want to drive rather than turn without
any linking to the plate. (Unfortunately, even with enough

could you not (I haven't tried this!) use a ratchet on the assembly so
that axle rotation one way turns the assembly, and the other way drives
the wheel?

Yeah, but I can't think of a good way to ratchet the
-Paul (


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  Re: Synchro drive in Lego
(...) Yeah, but I can't think of a good way to ratchet the assembly. -Paul ( (...) (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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