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Re: Synchro drive in Lego
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 15:42:50 GMT
Paul Speed <pspeed@augustschell.comANTISPAM>
1859 times
Mark Tarrabain wrote:

Paul Speed wrote:

... For example, motor forward drives the wheels to move
the platform while motor reverse rotates the wheels.

Hrm... how would you manage that?

I cannot think of any purely mechanical approach that could do the

Well, apparently, neither can I. :)  Or I would have done
it and posted it. :)  I played with some stuff last night that
ended in a dead-end.  I'm not really sure the approach is fruitless,
but I'm realizing as I go on that I'm much less creative as a
mechanical engineer than I thought I was.

I'll try to explain what I fooled with while I was watching
the Simpson's last night. (That can be my only excuse for the lack
of forsight in this desing.:) )

I started out just looking for a good way to drive the
wheel at the end of a rotating assembly without having to have
one of those fancy turntable thingies.  What I ended up with was
something like this:

I = vertical axle.
* = medium size gear (not sure how many teeth)
B = beam
= = spacer
- = horizontal axle.
W = wheel
P = plate
+ = those little right-angle mesh gears like used in the differential.

      I     =
    ***** *****
      I  B  = B
      I  B    B
      I  B    B
      I  B    B
      I  B    B
      I  B    B
      I  B    B
     +++ B W  B
        +B W  B
        +B W  B

So, if the assembly is locked to the plate then the wheel
is driven.  If the assembly is not locked to the plate then the
wheel is turned.  If anyone is interested I can post pictures
before I rip it apart and try something else.

My original thinking was to try and figure out a way to
get the whole assembly to want to drive rather than turn without
any linking to the plate. (Unfortunately, even with enough
resistance in the rotation I think it would be impossible to
reliably predict that it wouldn't rotate.)  If that worked then
a simple ratchet would make one direction turn the assembly and
another direction drive the assembly.

Then the Simpson's ended, I realized I couldn't think
of a way to procede, and I plowed the lego back into the box
top to play with later.

Maybe this will spark someone's imagination with a solution.
It seems like it would be a piece-thrifty solution if someone can
make it work.
-Paul (
Did you check the web site first?:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Synchro drive in Lego
(...) could you not (I haven't tried this!) use a ratchet on the assembly so that axle rotation one way turns the assembly, and the other way drives the wheel? Stuart -- Did you check the web site first?: (URL) (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Synchro drive in Lego
(...) Hrm... how would you manage that? I cannot think of any purely mechanical approach that could do the trick. (...) (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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