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Re: How to control NXT motor's rotation by using LabView NXT Direct Commands?
Mon, 16 Mar 2009 18:29:36 GMT
12555 times
Motor A- Controlled by me ( I 'm who turns the degrees)
Motor B- Controlled by the value of degrees of motor A.

got it

The question is, how I can put by a wire, and a motor block, control the
degrees that the motor has to turn.  Lots of thanks!!!

There's not a super-easy way to do that.  But, what you need to do is:
1) Read rotation value & direction of motor A
2) Look at rotation value & direction of motor B
3) Subtract B from A
4) Move motor B distance & direction (sign) calculated in #3


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How to control NXT motor's rotation by using LabView NXT Direct Commands?
<Thanks, but is not the information that i need. I know that with the rotation sensor, I can read the value of the rotation of one motor, but what I want is that this number, I want to put by a wire to a motor block, and that will make this example: (...) (16 years ago, 16-Mar-09, to lugnet.robotics)

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