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Re: How to control NXT motor's rotation by using LabView NXT Direct Commands?
Mon, 16 Mar 2009 18:11:30 GMT
mustang67 <MPEREZ.CM@GMAIL.spamcakeCOM>
12009 times
<Thanks, but is not the information that i need. I know that with the
rotation sensor, I can read the value of the rotation of one motor, but what
I want is that this number, I want to put by a wire to a motor block, and
that will make this example:

Motor A- Controlled by me ( I 'm who turns the degrees)
Motor B- Controlled by the value of degrees of motor A.

If i turn the motor A 10 degrees, i send the value and the motor B turns 10
degrees as equal to motor A.

The question is, how I can put by a wire, and a motor block, control the
degrees that the motor has to turn.  Lots of thanks!!!
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  Re: How to control NXT motor's rotation by using LabView NXT Direct Commands?
(...) got it (...) There's not a super-easy way to do that. But, what you need to do is: 1) Read rotation value & direction of motor A 2) Look at rotation value & direction of motor B 3) Subtract B from A 4) Move motor B distance & direction (sign) (...) (16 years ago, 16-Mar-09, to lugnet.robotics)

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  Re: How to control NXT motor's rotation by using LabView NXT Direct Commands?
If I read this correctly, you should simply be able to read the rotation sensors, using the rotation sensor block.  That will give you the value you want. Steve (...) (16 years ago, 16-Mar-09, to lugnet.robotics)

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