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 Robotics / 25959
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Re: A Beautiful Machine prototype and perhaps a challenge/idea
Mon, 15 May 2006 04:07:30 GMT
2844 times

Turning itself off is a feature?  ;oP

I've spent a lot of time making pneumatic circuits that accidntally shut
themselves off.....  LOL!

Very nice!


Oddly it seems almost all of my pneumatic ciruits end up doing that... or at
least dropping to a state where they won't complete the motions and blow a hose
when the pressure caps...
I'd love to get an afternnon of Kevin's time some day.....

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  Re: A Beautiful Machine prototype and perhaps a challenge/idea
(...) Turning itself off is a feature? ;oP I've spent a lot of time making pneumatic circuits that accidntally shut themselves off..... LOL! Very nice! Kevin (19 years ago, 12-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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