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 Robotics / 25946
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A Beautiful Machine prototype and perhaps a challenge/idea
Thu, 11 May 2006 21:13:32 GMT
2371 times
Computer scientists might know of Claude E. Shannon, considered the
father of digital communication.

He is also less well known for his Most Beautiful Machine, a machine
that, when turned on, simply turns itself off.  (A version can be viewed
  online at )

My prototype Lego Beautiful Machine can be found on brickshelf when
moderated (

When a user turns on the machine by moving a switch at the top of the
tower, the motor raises the scissors arm to shut it off.  That's it.

The trick is that the machine is actually off at the end of the cycle,
not just in a low power monitoring mode.

A deep link to the machine in its off state:

Turning itself off:

Retracting to its rest state:

Movie of the machine (approx 15 sec, 3.7KB):

So, the challenge or idea: a room full of beautiful machines at
brickfest, a room full of machines that simply turn themselves off once
they have been turned on.

Or maybe a beautiful machine as part of the GBC.

Or maybe a chain of machines that simply turn on the next one and then
turn themselves off.



p.s.  Hope I have done the links right (my first post with photos or
links).  If I have failed, please advise on proper technique and manners.

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: A Beautiful Machine prototype and perhaps a challenge/idea
(...) Very interesting, if a rather disturbing implementation. I had heard of the conecpt, but not seen those vids. The prosthetic is just a big creepy. (...) I like your version, first its more cute and friendly, and secondly you can see the (...) (19 years ago, 11-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: A Beautiful Machine prototype and perhaps a challenge/idea
(...) Turning itself off is a feature? ;oP I've spent a lot of time making pneumatic circuits that accidntally shut themselves off..... LOL! Very nice! Kevin (19 years ago, 12-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: A Beautiful Machine prototype and perhaps a challenge/idea
(...) Very nice machine, I especially appreciated the windup motor trick (always wanted to do something with them, preferably odd and interesting!) Philo (19 years ago, 12-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: A Beautiful Machine prototype and perhaps a challenge/idea
In lugnet.robotics, Rafe Donahue wrote: [snip] (...) [snip] (...) [snip] How about a machine that can be turned on in more than one way and it turns itself off according to which on method is chosen? Dennis (19 years ago, 12-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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