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 Robotics / 25412
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Re: new Mindstorms servos?
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 19:39:32 GMT
dan miller <*saynotospam*>
3519 times
--- Joshua Delahunty <> wrote:

Actually a word-by-word translation would be, "The best is not too good" -
which "not too good" parses nicely into the idiom of a Jutlandish
understatement, making the between-the-lines statement be, "Actually, we'd
prefer to deliver rather better than the best". Henning Makholm

How about: "The best is just a starting point."  That seems to express the
idea in English.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: new Mindstorms servos?
(...) From the Frequently Asked Questions: The LEGO motto: Det bedste er ikke for godt. (Only the best is good enough.) Actually a word-by-word translation would be, "The best is not too good" - in which "not too good" parses nicely (...) (19 years ago, 21-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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