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 Robotics / 16167
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Re: rechargeable 9V battery packs for RCX/JCX and Legos motors
Sat, 15 Sep 2001 17:17:09 GMT
848 times
Terry King wrote:

We're thinking of college labs where they will have 12 or 20 JCX systems
and where feeding them alkalines is just not practical or cost effective.
Charging 120 AA cells gets awkward too, so some sort of self-contained
rechargeable pack seems a good idea.

I would like to follow up on this. The school I volunteer at to teach
LEGO Robotics now has 4 RIS 1.5 and 4 RIS 2.0 and batteries are a real
problem.  Disassembling kids robots to change batteries is a pain!

I have been using 1800MAh NiMh AA cells in digital cameras, GPS etc
with great success. BUT they are easy to physically swap the batteries.

Here's what I plan to to experiment with, and I would like any
suggestions or collaborative efforts from you LugNuts:

1. Install 6 AA NiMh cells in an RCX with no external power connector.
2. Connect a thin two-wire cable internally to the RCX + and - points
   and route it securely to the outside.
3. Externally recharge the battery pack with a suitable charger.

Here are my current questions and concerns:

A. What is a 'suitable charger'? (6 cell chargers are unusual...)
   - Easiest is a 1/10 C (Say 150Ma) constant current charger overnight.
     How about cheap 12V wall wart with series resistor ??
   - There are available fast chargers but they are more expensive. (See
     for an example. Expensive, but maybe OK for a school/lab )

B. What is a suitable connector?? The problem is that BOTH the battery
   connection and the charger connection are 'live' and can short out
   against a metal object, so the typical "source is Female and load is
   Male" doesn't work. Need some small, simple, cheap hermaphroditic
   connector.  I am leaning toward a simple .100 dual socket with one
   inserted pin (result, one male, one female, no shorts).
   **Sorry for all this sex discussion; I know we have kids here :-)

I'll do a little more research; I have the NiMh specs available..

Any suggestions and/or comments welcome!

Terry King ...In The Woods In Vermont

...associated  :) with:

Caution... Most chargers out put much more then the RCX can handle. I
recall there being a thread that cautioned against charging in the RCX.

Dean Husby
LUGNET Member #320
TFM's LEGO Workshop -
The Vancouver LEGO Club -

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: rechargeable 9V battery packs for RCX/JCX and Legos motors
(...) I would like to follow up on this. The school I volunteer at to teach LEGO Robotics now has 4 RIS 1.5 and 4 RIS 2.0 and batteries are a real problem. Disassembling kids robots to change batteries is a pain! I have been using 1800MAh NiMh AA (...) (23 years ago, 10-Sep-01, to lugnet.robotics)

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