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 Robotics / 14770
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Re: lego cap, polarity, etc
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 00:40:57 GMT
883 times
Tilman Sporkert wrote:

That's right - it only needs to protect the capacitor from wrong polarity,
but does not have to compensate. Maybe the instructions simply say "if it
doesn't work, rotate the connector 90 degrees". Maybe the LED gives some
indication if it is connected properly?

Micah, can you shed some light on this?


The capacitor doesn't come with any instructions, at least not when
purchased individually. The LED indicates when the capacitor is fully
charged; when it reaches full charge, the LED begins flashing. I'm
assuming at least one of the other smaller capacitors inside, as well as
the transistors, are involved in the LED flashing apparatus.

Here's a description of how the capacitor operates when used in
conjunction with the solar cell and a 9V motor in direct sunlight (or
similar): for the first 10 seconds or so, the motor does not move at
all, then after about 10 seconds, its velocity starts to ramp up slowly
for another 20 seconds or so. About 30 seconds after the solar cell is
exposed to the light source (10 seconds of non-motion and 20 seconds of
velocity ramp-up), the motor velocity peaks and the LED on the capacitor
starts flashing. The LED will continue flashing so long as the solar
cell remains exposed to the light source. As soon as the solar cell is
removed from light, the LED ceases to flash, and the motor will continue
running for a minute or so.

Give me a few minutes and I'll pop the capacitor open again and try to
get some decent digital photos up on the net.



Micah J. Mabelitini - LUGNET #918
The University of Kentucky
SECC Middlesboro Academic Skills Resource Center -

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: lego cap, polarity, etc
That's right - it only needs to protect the capacitor from wrong polarity, but does not have to compensate. Maybe the instructions simply say "if it doesn't work, rotate the connector 90 degrees". Maybe the LED gives some indication if it is (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to lugnet.robotics)

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