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 Robotics / 10251
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RE: Friction Pulley question
Mon, 24 Jan 2000 19:18:00 GMT
Tilman Sporkert <>
1040 times
I think they would have designed the micro motor differently if they
didn't want it
to slip.

Interesting point. This got me thinking... Lego almost never provides
instructions for the "proper" use of pieces. Most of the time it's not needed,
and wouldn't fit with the Lego philosophy of being creative and using your
imagination. But sometimes it leaves you wondering. Like with the micro motor.
Or the pulleys with the rubber insert.

The axle stub of the micro motor is so short that the only gear that fits is the
pulley with the rubber insert. So is it supposed to slip or not? Or is it simply
a connection that provides some elasticity if the gears aren't perfectly aligned
to reduce the stress on the internal bearings?

This pulley is also included in some other sets that don't contain a micro
motor. Is there some suggested usage beyond an intermediate sized pulley? Or as
a bushing that sits very tight?

Note: Based on extensive scientific research (*), I claim that this pulley does
not allow the micro motor to slip.

(*) Sample size = 1, number of tests = 1, duration of experiment = 2 seconds :-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Friction Pulley question
(...) My experience: Sample size = 3, number of tests >= 5 each last night. Results: Unit 1: Micro motor stalls before pulley slips. Unit 2: Micro motor stalls before pulley slips. Unit 3: Pulley slips before motor stalls. So based on my evidence, (...) (25 years ago, 24-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Friction Pulley question
(...) I think they would have designed the micro motor differently if they didn't want it to slip. ___...___ You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry --Psalms 10:17 (25 years ago, 24-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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