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 Promotional / *931 (-20)
  New Promo & Commemorative Duplo Brick Gallery
Continuing to have fun with the camera Santa brought me at Christmas, I finally got around to taking some pictures of my collection of Promo bricks and putting them on Brickshelf. The link to the gallery is: (URL) naming these pictures I included (...) (23 years ago, 9-Feb-02, to lugnet.general, lugnet.duplo,
  Re: New 3426 Adidas Team Transport found at WalMart
(...) $20US + a few dollars sales tax. WM appears to be stocking them into most stores at this time. About half the stores I was in yesterday had them. Ray (23 years ago, 9-Feb-02, to,
  Re: New 3426 Adidas Team Transport found at WalMart
(...) Sounds groovy... so who wants to send me one? ;P How much are they btw??? If osmeone could kindy score me one, that would be great. My boys would have a 'ball' with that set! Thanks... Mel ( (23 years ago, 9-Feb-02, to,
  Re: New 3426 Adidas Team Transport found at WalMart
(...) BTW, these are beginning to appear in WMs in north Florida. I noticed it in two WMs yesterday. Ray (23 years ago, 5-Feb-02, to lugnet.sports,,
  New 3426 Adidas Team Transport found at WalMart
Hi, I found this set at my local WalMart. It is not in the Lugnet or Brickset database and I have never seen any mention of it before. It is an Adidas version of the Red Team Transport. I have put pictures of it on Brickshelf. Sorry they are not (...) (23 years ago, 2-Feb-02, to lugnet.sports,,
  Good News for us?? (was: Bad news for TRU)
Question: Can people watch the TRUs that close and see if they can acquire the 'promo' items that might be related to Lego? I'm thinking of the large mini-figs and bricks, if they are in place.... of course, I've only seen these in the updated (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jan-02, to,
  Re: Instructions for combined McD promo kits??
(...) Yep, sorry about that. I had just read your post without reading the original; the 8 sets (as opposed to 6) would have made it obvious. Without that context, I guess I tend to default to the most recent promo. John (23 years ago, 17-Jan-02, to
  Re: Instructions for combined McD promo kits??
(...) at my last response on this thread, and follow the links I posted. Paul (23 years ago, 17-Jan-02, to
  Re: McDonald's 1999 promo instructions... HAVE BEEN FOUND
Ricardo Stella: (...) SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE! Yes, it is true, McD Corp removed the instructions from their site (or did they?), but Google archived them in their cache. And they're all there! Detailed pics of each toy, both sides of each (...) (23 years ago, 17-Jan-02, to
  Re: Instructions for combined McD promo kits??
Is this what you're looking for instructions for? (URL) so, I can put pictures up showing the assembly steps. John (...) (23 years ago, 17-Jan-02, to
  Re: Instructions for combined McD promo kits??
(...) I'm a bright 38 1/2 year old who also would like the instructions. GOOD NEWS: I bought two complete sets on eBay (MISB) and the seller promised me he had the instructions. You can BET I'm going to hold him to his promise, so when they arrive, (...) (23 years ago, 17-Jan-02, to
  New? Watches
Hello all, I am posting in 2 threads that seem appropriate. I came acrossa whole set of LEGO watches ina format I have not seen previously. There are 5 but I only picked up 2. a little pricey at $20. Anyway, they all come with extra band links and a (...) (23 years ago, 10-Dec-01, to
  Re: 2421 LegoLand Promo Gift Box
(...) Great design. Looks great. Looks better than anything Lego would have come up with for this set. Thanks alot for taking the time to design the box and share it with everyone. Happy Holidays! (23 years ago, 7-Dec-01, to
  2421 LegoLand Promo Gift Box
Remember the last year promo gift box? LLC had a limited number of these this year after the Thanksgiving holiday. Still packaged as before, in their own box with loose parts. Well, after finding that a few of mine were missing parts, and such I've (...) (23 years ago, 5-Dec-01, to
  A New Kabaya Promo
Sorry if its old news... but i can't find it anywhere in Lugnet... Anyway - Kabaya are now shipping the Bionicle Range Promo.. 4 Turaga this time :) Full details here: (URL) Edwards Lugnet Member #151 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (...) (23 years ago, 2-Dec-01, to, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
  Re: Jack Stone promotional Video in Australia
This Video is also being given away at LEGOLAND CA for purchases over $50 or more. T.KUBO (...) (23 years ago, 30-Nov-01, to
  Re: Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus (Re: The Answer (Re: 4051 Nesquik Bunny))
(...) Must've gotten that Binary Material Transfer Protocol (BMTP) up and running to send it via e-mail like that! You'd think they'd find military uses for such a technology first, instead of a candy maker using it to send LEGO electronically, but (...) (23 years ago, 28-Nov-01, to, lugnet.general)
  Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus (Re: The Answer (Re: 4051 Nesquik Bunny))
(...) I received my Nesquik Bunny from Nestlé Germany today with the following note from Nestlé Verbraucher-Service: Mit Freundlicher Empfehlung (with friendly recommendation) <-Babelfish Very nice, thanks Nestlé! -Rob. (23 years ago, 28-Nov-01, to, lugnet.general)
  Jack Stone promotional Video in Australia
G'day all, I just thought I'd bring to everyone's attention that there is a new promotional lego 'set' available. This 'set' contains a video advertising Jack Stone, but no actual LEGO elements. It comes in a cardboard box and is only available at (...) (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to
  Re: The Answer (Re: 4051 Nesquik Bunny)
"Matthew Gerber" <> wrote in message (...) enough sets to cover everyone who has asked. (...) Matt, I received a similar e-mail from the same source. I originally sent an e-mail to the product (...) (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to

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