| | Re: What do they mean? (VELUX House)
(...) <much repeated text snipped> (...) Actually, I'm not asking any questions at all. :) I attempted to answer Bradley's questions though the best I could, and I even put forth a theory in answer to your own projected question - I think by (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: What do they mean? (VELUX House)
(...) I think what Kevin is asking is why on earth do you have to be an adult(or major in your locality) to buy a Lego set? (in this case a Lego Velux house). (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: Velux House is now available online
So, wow. Are those windows still gonna go for $10/each on brickbay? (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.loc.uk)
 | | Re: What do they mean? (VELUX House)
(...) Or at least the age of majority in the buyer's country (which is probably why they didn't state an age). I saw no requirement to have any prior or future buisiness with Velux (and I did read through the TOS). (...) I see nothing wrong with (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: What do they mean? (VELUX House)
(...) I believe they're referring to the age of majority, usually 18 but likely approaching 21 in some nations. They're just practising a bit of legal self-defense. And that US$25 would be calculated at the prevailing exchange rate, running anywhere (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: What do they mean? (VELUX House)
(...) They mean you gotta be over 18. :-) And, please post this kind of messages in lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade ... where they belong... -Shiri (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | What do they mean? (VELUX House)
"Only persons who have attained majority may buy the LEGO house. Persons who have not attained majority should be accompanied by a person who has attained majority when visiting the VELUX GIFT SHOP." ??????? Anyone know what they mean? You don't (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: Velux House is now available online
(...) My Netscape 4.07 (Win32) works fine. Did you enable Java? (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.loc.uk)
 | | Re: Velux House is now available online
"Tom Stangl" <toms@netscape.com> wrote in message news:3A0B429D.86B201...ape.com... (...) [ ... snipped ... ] (...) Netscape Navigator (4.72) would not load the page for me but Internet Explorer loaded it fine and I was able to complete the (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.loc.uk)
 | | Re: Velux House is now available online
How annoying, you can only order 1 at a time. Of course, being able to order them at all ROCKS! I suffered through only ordering 4 ;-) (...) -- | Tom Stangl, Technical Support Netscape Communications Corp | Please do not associate my personal views (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.loc.uk)