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What do they mean? (VELUX House)
Fri, 10 Nov 2000 02:26:55 GMT
1569 times
"Only persons who have attained majority may buy the LEGO house. Persons who
have not attained majority should be accompanied by a person who has attained
majority when visiting the VELUX GIFT SHOP."

??????? Anyone know what they mean?  You don't need to own Velux windows to buy
the LEGO, do you?
PS: How much will that innocent-looking $25 USD become when shipped to Canada
from Denmark?

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: What do they mean? (VELUX House)
(...) They mean you gotta be over 18. :-) And, please post this kind of messages in ... where they belong... -Shiri (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to
  Re: What do they mean? (VELUX House)
(...) I believe they're referring to the age of majority, usually 18 but likely approaching 21 in some nations. They're just practising a bit of legal self-defense. And that US$25 would be calculated at the prevailing exchange rate, running anywhere (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to

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