| | Re: US Shell Promotion
(...) Well, with these prices, I still feel good about having bought 4 sets of these last year from Nico Hoogerbrug . The total with NC State sales tax for four copies the above sets comes to less than $40 less than what I paid last year, and I (...) (24 years ago, 8-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
(...) The gentleman I spoke to at Shell indicated this may be a nation-wide promotion, but he wasn't 100% sure if the LEGO sets offered would be consistent throughout the whole country. The sets I listed in the initial post will be the sets (...) (24 years ago, 8-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
(...) talking about a while back. (24 years ago, 6-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
It would be great if Shop@Home offered these sets... Bryan Kinkel "Karl Barger" <karl.barger@mail.sprint.com> wrote in message news:G1yy8H.9tt@lugnet.com... (...) spring, (...) is (...) California (...) is (...) MSRP: (24 years ago, 6-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
I found 2554 and 2555 in either Carlsbad (!) or Oceanside in late August -- can't remember which station exactly. (...) (24 years ago, 6-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
(...) Out of curiosity, where did you see these? None of the shell stations I checked (several in eastern LA County and a few in southern Orange County) had them. (24 years ago, 6-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
(...) Saw 2554-bought one for myself and for Señor Sandlin. Saw 2555-passed on all the copies of it. Saw 2556-passed on it. Wish that I hadn't. Never saw it twice. Given the chance (and knowledge that this was a So Cal only promo), I'd buy a couple (...) (24 years ago, 6-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
(...) only sets 2535-2544 were sold in California last time. (They were all $1.99, or $1.19 with a $10 purchase of gasoline.) We kept hearing rumors of 2554-2556 but as far as I know, no one ever saw them. (24 years ago, 6-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
I checked out shelloil.com, I could not find any info on Lego while at the site. I did find out there are over 9000 Shell stations in the US. How did the promotion work in S.Cal? Was there a min purchase requirement? Julie (...) California (...) (24 years ago, 5-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
(...) The information that I got from Lego Consumer Afffairs is that 6500 Shell stations will be participating in this promo. I believe that they are the corporate owned stores and not the franchised stores. (...) Also, I was told by Consumer (...) (24 years ago, 5-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)