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  Re: Lego Playmobil-like figures at McDonalds
You should hit every local McD's while you can. I hit 3 different ones on the first day, and each had a different boys/girls toy. (...) -- Tom Stangl *(URL) Visual FAQ home *(URL) Visual FAQ Home (21 years ago, 9-Mar-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Lego Playmobil-like figures at McDonalds
(...) Cool, I was wondering where the 1580 came from. It's been a while since I was 15 when I first got one, so I couldn't remember where I got it. Not in any of the S@H catalogs from that time period...just checked... --Dave (21 years ago, 8-Mar-04, to lugnet.general,,, FTX)
  Re: Lego Playmobil-like figures at McDonalds
(...) I've also taken some pictures of this week's Clikits toy, as well. (URL) They are in this Brickshelf Folder here.> I'll make it a point to get the boy and girl toy each week and get pictures up of both. Also, I'm not sure how many different (...) (21 years ago, 8-Mar-04, to lugnet.general,, FTX)
  Re: Lego Playmobil-like figures at McDonalds
(This is a repost of an identical message I sent to lugnet general. I should have sent it originally to, as well, so that anyone who may be looking in there for reponses to this topic could also see the posst and view these images.) I (...) (21 years ago, 6-Mar-04, to, FTX)
  Re: Lego Playmobil-like figures at McDonalds
(...) Do they come with coupons? I remember back in the 80's that the Happy Meals which contained small Lego sets, also came with a mail-in certificate. Send in a certificate and 3 UPCs from other Lego sets, and you got a free set in the mail. In (...) (21 years ago, 3-Mar-04, to lugnet.general,, FTX)

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