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Re: BrickFest Pirate Game
lugnet.gaming, lugnet.pirates,,
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 22:10:21 GMT
102 times
matthew greene wrote:

In lugnet.gaming, Frank Filz wrote:
Scott Quirk wrote:

I'm in.  What sort of ships are you looking for?  Players to bring their own
cutters and possibly a size upgrade?

Larger ships are more important. I've got plenty of cutters (and I'm
thinking I want to bring them all to show off [of course I don't have
the largest collection of cutters since Steve Jackson has at least 30
now] even if it would save to have others bring some).


I'm in!  Was planning on bringing two ports, and a native island.  Can bring
three each class 2 and 3, (have 12 cutters but it does not sound like we need
them.  I'm not a home now but I think I have 3 class 4's, a couple of class 5's,
a 6 and a seven.  Let me know what I need to bring.

We mostly need class 2-4 ships. Larger ships are unlikely to be acquired
(though you never know...).

As far as minifigs and cannon: I really want to keep these all to one
person's collection. It's darned hard to figure out after the fact.

Also, anyone who wants to bring 16x16 or 32x32 printed island baseplates
and some folliage for them, just label them somehow. It seems we can
always use more of these. Also, if you want to build some small to large
rocks that would be cool (from several grey bricks to a few BURPs).
Small bases are nice also (we had a couple nice small bases built on the
spot at GenCon, one I threw together in about 10 minutes from Larry's
big box of stuff).

If you want to bring your cutters, it might be cool to take a picture of
a huge fleet... (also, in future years, as more folks can supply
cutters, I would be happy to bring other stuff).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BrickFest Pirate Game
(...) I'm in! Was planning on bringing two ports, and a native island. Can bring three each class 2 and 3, (have 12 cutters but it does not sound like we need them. I'm not a home now but I think I have 3 class 4's, a couple of class 5's, a 6 and a (...) (22 years ago, 31-Jul-03, to lugnet.gaming, lugnet.pirates,,

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