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Re: Why is .rtltoronto the friendliest place on Lugnet?
Tue, 25 Jan 2005 23:21:52 GMT
3644 times
In lugnet.people, Tim David wrote:

Thats the main thing that keeps me at Lugnet, I mainly frequent .trains and
while most people seem to be making US protoypes I can still appreciate the
skill and admire the modelling (see Steve Bliss's latest project for example)

Steve Barile, but ya...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Why is .rtltoronto the friendliest place on Lugnet?
(...) Thanks Lar, sorry Steve :-( Tim (20 years ago, 25-Jan-05, to lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why is .rtltoronto the friendliest place on Lugnet?
Snip (...) Yeah, in my experience this exists in Brickish forum (well maybe not quite so many in-jokes ;-) ) and probably in other (I don't do German well enough to know if the 1000steiners are joking) Snip (...) Yes, you said what I meant but (...) (20 years ago, 25-Jan-05, to lugnet.people)

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