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 Parts / (-20)
  Re: Help identifying this part...
(...) Don't know how I missed that, thanks much! God Bless, Nathan (14 years ago, 22-Aug-10, to, lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: Help identifying this part...
(...) It is this part: (URL) (14 years ago, 21-Aug-10, to, lugnet.general, FTX)
  Help identifying this part...
Hello all, Can anyone tell me where this part comes from? It is in old lt grey, 14 x 2 and just less than 2 plates deep. I've tried peeron and BL without joy. (URL) Thanks much and God Bless, Nathan (URL) (14 years ago, 21-Aug-10, to, lugnet.general, FTX)
  TLG needs to know what colors are missing in existing elements
I am just 'reposting' this from Eurobricks website. I think this would be helpful for all us as AFOL's. TLG needs to know what colors are missing in existing elements From TLG: Hi LEGO Fans, The LEGO Community Development would like to know which of (...) (15 years ago, 25-Jun-10, to lugnet.general, lugnet.color,, FTX)  
  Need batteries for part no 55206 - Electric Light & Sound Brick 2 x 4 x 2 with Revving Motor Sound
Acquired a used 4893 Revvin' Riders set, but the batteries in the sound brick are missing (I'm guessing, they died, and a previous owner removed them, but never got around to replacing them). What type batteries does it need? Thanks in advance! (15 years ago, 12-Feb-10, to
  Re: What's the story with all the recent mold changes?
(...) I finally took a pic: (URL) Also, I mistakenly posted to .general last time, so I'm setting the reply back to .parts. Jeff (15 years ago, 27-Jan-10, to, FTX)
  Re: BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
(...) wow i guess dreams do come true. it's about time!!!! can we have them in black pretty please !!!! btw for a complete list of 2010 parts check this out: (URL) ondrew (15 years ago, 29-Dec-09, to
  Re: BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
(...) This beauty is also new this year: (URL) (15 years ago, 24-Dec-09, to
  Re: BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
Nice! I had been looking at the new sets that had (URL) this part> on Bricklink. Red is one of the colors that I would like to have that new piece in, so this works out well. David (15 years ago, 24-Dec-09, to, FTX)
  Re: BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
(...) This part has been popping up in several 2010 sets. There are ten confirmed sets and four confirmed colors. I've pulled them in five sets, so far. Also of interest is that there's a new 2x4 tile, which has been confirmed in twelve sets and six (...) (15 years ago, 24-Dec-09, to
  BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
I got the latest BrickMaster set today, a mini-scale Atlantis submarine. It has a Christmas present inside: two red 1x3 tiles! Yes, you read that right: 1x3 tiles. Tiles. Three studs long, one stud wide. And red. The instructions list them as part (...) (15 years ago, 24-Dec-09, to, lugnet.inv, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.dear-lego)  
  Buying parts
Hello, What is the best method to purchase alot of a particular element? Or for that matter a lot of bricks in general? Pick a brick? Bricklinks? Ebay? I general I find ebay purchases to contain many of the same bricks but very few of a particular (...) (15 years ago, 15-Aug-09, to
  Re: What's the story with all the recent mold changes?
The only one I have any info on is the (URL) cylinder>. Someone from LEGO (don't remember who) said that the (URL) previous version> was made up of pieces that were glued together inside. (This makes sense that it would have to be, otherwise how (...) (15 years ago, 20-Jul-09, to lugnet.general,,, FTX)
  1 x 1 tiles with numerals 0-9
Hi all, I am in need of a collection (probably 10 sets) of 1x1 tiles with the numerals 0 through 9 on them. Bricklink seems to show me that the numerals 1-4 exist but not the others. There seem to be some 2x2 tiles with all the digits available but (...) (16 years ago, 1-Apr-09, to
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) Have you tried starting with the technic 3 blade liftarm (44734) (URL) single 44734 gives you 3 120 degree angles. By combining four of them, I think you can get down to 12 30 degree angles. If you could combine that with 45 degrees and get (...) (16 years ago, 26-Dec-08, to
  part/color combinations you wish existed.
Here is my list of part/color combinations I wish existed: (using only parts that are still being made and colors still being made) (URL) Door 1 x 4 x 6 Glass with Stud Handle in trans-smoke (URL) new shutter holder in black and white (URL) Slope, (...) (16 years ago, 19-Oct-08, to
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) If so, 45-30=15, and I know there are plenty of ways of make a 45 degree angle. Just arrange the 30 degree connector against a 45 degree connector, and presto! 15 degrees. DaveE (16 years ago, 1-Oct-08, to
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) Er, i forgot to specify, it has to be a rigid joint, not flexible (16 years ago, 30-Sep-08, to
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) Yeah, never mind - that's 30 degrees. BOOOOOO. (16 years ago, 1-Oct-08, to
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) Some combination of Technic Angle Connector #3 and 1x2 Technic bricks with holes (or axle holes) may do it, though I couldn't find a protractor: (URL) (16 years ago, 1-Oct-08, to

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