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BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.inv, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.dear-lego
Thu, 24 Dec 2009 05:18:02 GMT
35867 times
I got the latest BrickMaster set today, a mini-scale Atlantis submarine. It has
a Christmas present inside: two red 1x3 tiles!

Yes, you read that right: 1x3 tiles.

Tiles. Three studs long, one stud wide. And red.

The instructions list them as part 4533742, and the number molded into their
underside is 63864.

Thanks, LEGO Group!

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
(...) This part has been popping up in several 2010 sets. There are ten confirmed sets and four confirmed colors. I've pulled them in five sets, so far. Also of interest is that there's a new 2x4 tile, which has been confirmed in twelve sets and six (...) (15 years ago, 24-Dec-09, to
  Re: BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
Nice! I had been looking at the new sets that had (URL) this part> on Bricklink. Red is one of the colors that I would like to have that new piece in, so this works out well. David (15 years ago, 24-Dec-09, to, FTX)
  Re: BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
(...) This beauty is also new this year: (URL) (15 years ago, 24-Dec-09, to
  Re: BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
(...) wow i guess dreams do come true. it's about time!!!! can we have them in black pretty please !!!! btw for a complete list of 2010 parts check this out: (URL) ondrew (15 years ago, 29-Dec-09, to

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