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Re: Pics from 4/15/2000 [informal] meeting in Waltham
Sun, 16 Apr 2000 14:12:52 GMT
2518 times
In, Shiri Dori writes:

Eric Joslin arrived with a cool VW beetle-submarine (which we were hoping had
something to do with the Beatles, but no ;-)

Och, this is something of a misconception that got spread throughout the
meeting.  I must admit it was built with parts from Aquazone, but it's actually
supposed to be a Volkswagen B-3 'Beetle' Personal Transport.  According to the
promotional literature, "with its retro styling and fuel-efficient reactor, the
B-3 'Beetle' is a popular choice with people of all ages seeking a fun and
economical means of personal interstellar transportation."  According to most
people who own one, it's cheap and the parts are easy to find.

and a very scary mecha.

Oh, now, he's not that scary.  I was recently told that all the girl mecha
secretly dig him.

Thanks for getting the pix up so fast... I must admit I've been way too lazy to
get any online.  I should invest in a digital camera.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Pics from 4/15/2000 [informal] meeting in Waltham
(...) Your model actually reminded me of the Cab that Bruce Willis drives at the begining of The Fifth Element. I thought it was very cool nice future-retro design. Eric Kingsley The New England LEGO Users Group (URL) My Creations at: (URL) (25 years ago, 16-Apr-00, to,
  More captioned pics (was: Re: Pics from 4/15/2000 [informal] meeting in Waltham)
(...) Oh, I'm sorry! ...I fixed that on the page, and I also got all the pics up with captions... same URL: (URL)and a very scary mecha. (...) LOL! (...) Yeah, digicams are the best. I whipped up the page in about 20 minutes... it's really easy with (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Pics from 4/15/2000 [informal] meeting in Waltham
Hi guys! I had a great time today! We went to TCS then 'cross the street to the Bison County, and later over to Lizzy's for some fabulous ice cream... I've got a few pics that I took at Lizzy's... but I'm in a bit of a bind right now-- I'm going to (...) (25 years ago, 16-Apr-00, to,  

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