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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 3113
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N de M QR-1
lugnet.trains,, lugnet.announce.moc
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 02:20:21 GMT
! (details)
42 times
Howdy y'all!

My latest, and, IMO, greatest engine has finally been photographed.  It's a
Níagara-class 4-8-4 dual service engine, owned by the Mexican National
Railways.  There's prototype pics at the bottom.

On the details side, there are red-accented safety details, boiler steps,
and a detailed backhead with firebox glow.  I also put on simulated
builder's plates near the front of the boiler.  It also has working side
rods and an operating headlight.  The simulated three-axle tender trucks and
side rods are Shaun's design.  The numerous number boards around the
headlight are thanks to a 1x1 w/ studs on all sides fitted onto the light bulb.

Front 3/4 view:

This thing dwarfs my postwar Lionel J!

Eventually I hope to put on more side rod gear, but for now, this setup works.



Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: N de M QR-1
Hi Stefan, big steamers in 8-wide+ just rocks! Your MOC looks massive and great. And, LTC, please give us black, white, grey and red large spoked trainwheels! We need them. The work-around with the Model Team Wheels is ok, but a real trainwheel (...) (22 years ago, 28-Feb-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: N de M QR-1
(...) Hi Stefan! Holger's right, I love seeing big steam engine MOCs! This looks great - some of the features I really dig are: (1) the boiler steps are a nice touch (2) working linkages - yay! (3) I really like some of the details you included on (...) (22 years ago, 28-Feb-03, to lugnet.trains)

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