| | Next meeting?
Is there a meeting planned for the near future? And if not, is anyone willing to step up to bat? I'd offer to host a meeting but the house is being worked on right now. There's also the possibility of meeting at Comic Con next month, as Jake will be (...) (21 years ago, 27-Jun-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Next meeting?
(...) (URL) Comic Con> would be cool. Adr. (21 years ago, 29-Jun-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Next meeting?
(...) We definitely need to get together during ComicCon--would Thursday night or Saturday night work better? If there isn't too big a crowd, we can meet at my brother's place 5 blocks from the convention center, or we can meet at the convention (...) (21 years ago, 30-Jun-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Next meeting?
If you guys DO decide this, please let me know so I can put it on the website. :) -Anne (...) (21 years ago, 30-Jun-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola)
 | | Re: Next meeting?
(...) With the (URL) official word> from Jake that he's coming, I imagine people from SCLTC & SPLTC will want to get in on this too. Saturday holds a better chance of getting more people together. Adr. (21 years ago, 30-Jun-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Next meeting?
(...) I'll be at Comic-Con this year Friday and Saturday so I'll be able to show up, no problem. :) -Brian Reynolds (21 years ago, 5-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Next meeting?
(...) I'm up for a meeting, anytime other then Wednesday night. LMK, Mat Clayson (21 years ago, 12-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Time for another meeting!
Hello there! This is Aaron Sneary, once member of famed WAMALUG in DC. Now I'm in Oceanside, and need LEGO fan comradiery. Looks like the last official post was way back in January, yes? Are there monthly meetings or is it less formal? ComicCon is (...) (21 years ago, 13-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) Now that you're here let me fill you in on LUGOLA- we're lazy ;-) But seriously, LUGOLA's gound coverage is so big (Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Riverside are a couple of counties that come to mind) that meetings are generally held every (...) (21 years ago, 13-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) I'll be at ComicCon all days. Anyone else going to be there? How about we meet-up at the LEGO booth on one day? I'd say Friday or Saturday around 2PM? Unless I hear otherwise I'll stop by on bothe days at this time. I'll try to remember to (...) (21 years ago, 13-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) Aaron, Welcome to the area. Looks like you're just about at ground Zero, so there's no excuse to not get at least a members PLUS pass to LL. 8) You'll enjoy the Brick shop in the park I'm sure, and the plus pass gets you free parking and 10% (...) (21 years ago, 13-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) Saturday works best for me but I can drop by Friday too. Adr. (21 years ago, 13-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) I'd say Aaron knows his way around the park... ;) Anyway, I'd really like to make this meeting but I'm not sure how I'm gonna be doing on money (or I do know and it's not looking too great), so I might have to be counted out. (2 URLs) (Bruce) (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) I'm new here, so my apologies. Are you near the downtown area at all? Maybe we could meet up and then move offsite? Has a time been set for meeting up with Jake McKee? Mat (21 years ago, 14-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) Hi, I would love to meet up with you guys..... I do not belong to LUGOLA, but have been interested in joining.... I can meet on Sat at 2pm at the LEGO booth....I will wear LEGO socks Jen (21 years ago, 15-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) Are you planning to wear anything else, if not that will be a dead give away. Or you could go sans shoes, that would help to spot the socks. 8) I'll have me cell phone, people can contact me by Email if they want the number. Mat (21 years ago, 15-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) We're going to have dinner with Jake on Saturday night at 7 in the Gaslamp; it looks like we're headed for Buca di Beppo at 705 6th Avenue in downtown San Diego...I'll post a definitive location in a few days. As far as meeting at the Lego (...) (21 years ago, 15-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) The idea of having an impromptu meeting at the comic-con is awesome, I will definately be there. I will look to meet up with everyone around 2 PM on Saturday. Don't know that I will be able to spot the Lego socks, but I will try. Then Dinner (...) (21 years ago, 16-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
Hi all, Please, PLEASE, PLEASE send me any meeting times and places for Comic-con so I can get it on the website. I need to have this sent to me on a regular basis when this is decided. Please :) Pretty please :) Thanks, -Anne (...) (21 years ago, 16-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) ROFL I will be wearing clothes.....look for the red head...then look down, if you see a large purple dragon sticking his head out above my LEGO socks, that is me!!! See ya guys there! Jen (21 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) Can you confirm which Saturday we're discussing? Or can you just call me? I never know what day it is... or day or night for that matter. The sun always seems to shine in this state. Aaron (21 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) We are talking about Saturday, July 24th. ComicCon is in the SD convention center downtown. Parking will be totally insane. I plan to park a bit aways, and take the trolly in. BTW, as far as meeting at the LEGO booth at 2PM, I will most likely (...) (21 years ago, 19-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) Which LEGO booth? Star Wars or Bionicle? Jen (21 years ago, 21-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) If they're not in the same place, wherever Jake is...probably Star Wars, since that's real Lego, not that fake Bionicle stuff. Derek (21 years ago, 21-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)
 | | Re: Time for another meeting!
(...) Hey now. I like Bionicles. Let's make it the LEGO/Starwars booth, #2813. This booth is being shared with Lucasfilm. And ironicly where I'll be working. I'll be in X-wing pilot garb gaurding the full size X-wing model. I'll be on duty Thursday (...) (21 years ago, 21-Jul-04, to lugnet.org.us.lugola, FTX)