Re: LUCNYville "Standards"
Sun, 2 Feb 2003 06:27:32 GMT
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"Wayne Sardullo" <> wrote in message
> I finally have to say I'm done.. Took me what seems like forever to get a small
> project done. (more on that later)
> Anyhow, I was thinking about something. As we get more and more into Layout
> Design, I had an idea about what will be the Standard Pieces of LUCNY.
> Items like Landmarks, Special Buildings, Cars, Trains... I'm sure that things
> will change over time but, I suspect there will be a few items that will always
> make a showing. Of those items, I would like to put together a special section
> on our website devoted to those special items.
> The goal is to have 1 item (Building, Train, Town, Scene or other) from each
> member. That item will then have an overview and indepth look.
Sounds good.
> This is more of a fun thing and isn't going to happen right away. I hope to
> give the very first example by the end of this week.
> While this is going on I hope to start cleanup and redesign of LUCNY Webpages.
> I've been looking things over and while it was good before I would like to
> expand it and make it a little more professional looking. I almost have the
> LOGO done.
> Keep your eyes peeled!
> Wayne
Nicole Drumm MS
Message is in Reply To:
 | | LUCNYville "Standards"
| I finally have to say I'm done.. Took me what seems like forever to get a small project done. (more on that later) Anyhow, I was thinking about something. As we get more and more into Layout Design, I had an idea about what will be the Standard (...) (22 years ago, 30-Jan-03, to
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