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Re: T-Shirts?
Fri, 3 Nov 2000 23:16:53 GMT
1252 times
I need to know who wants one, and what size you need.  Costco has 2
brands.  Hanes Beefy-T, and a really nice (slightly more expensive)
Oscar De La Renta (I think?) shirt.  Anyway, in the Beefy-T, a large
is just right on me, not loose and not tight.  I prefer a looser fit,
generally, so I also have XLs.  My guess is that a large would work
for most of you, but obviously I won't be held responsible for my poor
recommendations!  ;-).

Forgot to mention that on the size tag, the Large says 42-44 inches,
although that seems a trifle large for how it fits.

Hope that helps,


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: T-Shirts?
OK, we're down to the wire. Here's the deal. I can pick up good quality T-shirts at Costco for about $8 apiece, give or take, depending on which sizes I have to pick up (if I can get 3 larges, for example, then I can buy the 3 pack for less). The (...) (24 years ago, 3-Nov-00, to

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