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Re: T-Shirts?
Sat, 4 Nov 2000 09:31:37 GMT
1214 times
Dean Husby wrote:

Robin Sather wrote:

OK, we're down to the wire.

Here's the deal.  I can pick up good quality T-shirts at Costco for
about $8 apiece, give or take, depending on which sizes I have to pick
up (if I can get 3 larges, for example, then I can buy the 3 pack for
less).  The iron ons cost me about $1.50 each, so the T's will cost
between $9 and $12, depending on what size you (and the others) need.
If anyone knows of a better place to get good T's, let me know.

As far as other options, there's really no time to pick up T's from
everyone.  You could do the iron-on yourself, if you want, but I'll
tell you right now, it's killer on the hands and wrists (very heavy
smooth moving pressure is needed for about 3 or 4 minutes per shirt).

The T's will be white.  The iron on looks waaaay better on white than
anything else.  The design (at this point) is to basically print out
the current version of the logo two to a 8 1/2" x 11" page.  So each
shirt would get a logo about 10" by 3".  I plan to place the logo
centered on the upper front of the shirt, about 6" below the collar.

Comments are requested and welcome on this or anything else.

I need to know who wants one, and what size you need.  Costco has 2
brands.  Hanes Beefy-T, and a really nice (slightly more expensive)
Oscar De La Renta (I think?) shirt.  Anyway, in the Beefy-T, a large
is just right on me, not loose and not tight.  I prefer a looser fit,
generally, so I also have XLs.  My guess is that a large would work
for most of you, but obviously I won't be held responsible for my poor
recommendations!  ;-).

Anyway, please LMK ASAP please.



That sounds good Robin. I'll take a large. I'd prefer better quality but
will go with the majority.
Also, I'm sure Xandria would like a large as well. I'll post a change if
she wants smaller. (She prefers hers to be extra baggy.)

Confirmed Xandria wants a large as well.

Coin-Op's For Sale!:
Dean's Lego Workshop:
Vancouver Lego Club:

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: T-Shirts?
(...) That sounds good Robin. I'll take a large. I'd prefer better quality but will go with the majority. Also, I'm sure Xandria would like a large as well. I'll post a change if she wants smaller. (She prefers hers to be extra baggy.) Good show. (...) (24 years ago, 3-Nov-00, to

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