Re: Plexi Shielding / rope barrier
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:20:31 GMT
977 times
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Kevin Wilson wrote:
> Robin Sather wrote in message <>...
> Ouch to the pricing. That's a lot, especially if we then need to buy
> materials for a mounting track. Plus a good deal of work to make some kind
> of track mount which will fit all 3 types of tables.
> > Kevin suggested to me that there is always the option of not having
> > the shielding, at least for this go around. I see the point. If we
> > did that, I think we should put up a rope barrier, even if it's just 1
> > foot away from the table. A rope barrier (well, actually the
> > supports) would still present some work, but perhaps lower tech work!
> If you guys want to do the rope barrier thing, I have 150ft of bright
> turquoise/multicolor retired climbing rope (cut into a 75ft length and
> either another 75 or two 37.5's) and many many Lego buckets which are good
> for making post bases (filled with concrete). We'd only have to buy posts
> (wood or plastic drainpipe) and screw eyes (and possibly snap links) to
> attach the rope to the posts.
With the time restraints left I'd say we go for the rope. We don't have the
time to do a shield right and I don't with to toss away cash..
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 | | Re: Plexi Shielding / rope barrier
| Robin Sather wrote in message <>... Ouch to the pricing. That's a lot, especially if we then need to buy materials for a mounting track. Plus a good deal of work to make some kind of track mount which will fit all 3 types (...) (24 years ago, 13-Jul-01, to
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