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Re: Plexi Shielding / rope barrier
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:20:31 GMT
977 times
Kevin Wilson wrote:

Robin Sather wrote in message <>...

Ouch to the pricing. That's a lot, especially if we then need to buy
materials for a mounting track. Plus a good deal of work to make some kind
of track mount which will fit all 3 types of tables.

Kevin suggested to me that there is always the option of not having
the shielding, at least for this go around.  I see the point.  If we
did that, I think we should put up a rope barrier, even if it's just 1
foot away from the table.  A rope barrier (well, actually the
supports) would still present some work, but perhaps lower tech work!

If you guys want to do the rope barrier thing, I have 150ft of bright
turquoise/multicolor retired climbing rope (cut into a 75ft length and
either another 75 or two 37.5's) and many many Lego buckets which are good
for making post bases (filled with concrete). We'd only have to buy posts
(wood or plastic drainpipe) and screw eyes (and possibly snap links) to
attach the rope to the posts.

With the time restraints left I'd say we go for the rope. We don't have the
time to do a shield right and I don't with to toss away cash..


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Plexi Shielding / rope barrier
(...) Dean, does Alex concur? If so, let's consider it a decision made, that's enough of a majority to proceed to discussing the whos and hows. Robin (24 years ago, 13-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Plexi Shielding / rope barrier
Robin Sather wrote in message <>... Ouch to the pricing. That's a lot, especially if we then need to buy materials for a mounting track. Plus a good deal of work to make some kind of track mount which will fit all 3 types (...) (24 years ago, 13-Jul-01, to

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