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Re: We're going to lose our position...
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:57:49 GMT
1042 times
In, Ross Crawford writes:
In, Jeff Van Winden writes:
Don't remind me...... I spent 4 - 5 hrs trying to get my EAOT (the three
fingered one) to work, using a differential.... why is it that the new dif's
don't mesh with a 24 tooh crown gear... they mesh.. .but the center of the
crown gear hits the differential.

So last night, I sat down in front of the mountain of lego... that will take
me a good week to resort... I looked at my tri-griper EOAT that I got to
grip and run up a 1 x 16 rack... not in the right order of course.... and I
decided to start from scratch (in that I went to one of my other designs,
the one with the two swing arms.) After about 3 1/2 hours of work (An
epsoide of buffy and some Fraser...) I built a working EOAT!.... Yeah ME!

Tonight I will revisit (and rebuild) my X and Y Axis to fit my gripper, and
improve my accuracy (which I have not tested.... But I'm quite sure is
probably more accurate then Bruces the way it is.)


Jeff VW

I saw somewhere someone chopped the annoying centre protrusion off a crown
wheel to get this to work - can't remember where off-hand. I prefer the old
diffs anyway 8?)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: We're going to lose our position...
(...) I saw somewhere someone chopped the annoying centre protrusion off a crown wheel to get this to work - can't remember where off-hand. I prefer the old diffs anyway 8?) ROSCO (23 years ago, 11-Feb-02, to

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