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Re: High speed timelapse
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 18:40:25 GMT
528 times
Calum Tsang wrote:

Hi folks,

Here's something fun to check out:
(5MByte, MPEG1)

I videotaped myself building a factory building in my train3 layout for
about 30 minutes

Nice, Calum.  Tempts me to put my S100 on a stand in low rez mode and
shoot 64MB of frames one every 10 seconds or so :)

I'll have to build the furniture store that way...

Jeff E

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: High speed timelapse
(...) You have one too? I didn't know the S100 could do timelapse?! Calum (23 years ago, 11-Jan-02, to

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  High speed timelapse
Hi folks, Here's something fun to check out: (URL) MPEG1) I videotaped myself building a factory building in my train3 layout for about 30 minutes (I could only find a blank 60 minute Hi8 tape, which equates out to 30 minutes of Digital8). I then (...) (23 years ago, 9-Jan-02, to

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