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Re: Misuse of Technic Parts!
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 19:59:00 GMT
699 times
In, Calum Tsang writes:
Thanks!  I've never used unusual angles either.  Speaking of unusual angles,
I ended up riding the RT the other evening to Scarborough Town Centre.  I
think I may have a solution to your RT building project: Try offspacing door
and wall segments using those 2x1 plates with the single dot.  That way it
won't seem so wide because of using those 2x1x3tall buttress slopes.

By the by, what else are you suppose to do with those inner hubs to those
old Technic tires anyway.  Those tires aren't so good for robots--the rubber
always slips off, which always annoyed me.
I have 10 of those tires on my truck and a few spares.  Can't do anything
else with them besides build the first 3 supercars--oh wait, that's where I
got them! ;)
Stay safe.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Misuse of Technic Parts!
(...) angles, (...) door (...) ACK!!! I missed this original post. Is that all you said? Or did you have any other coments about the RT? Did you love the linear motors? Did you notice the after-acceleration when leaving the stations? Did you have (...) (24 years ago, 27-Nov-00, to
  Re: Misuse of Technic Parts!
(...) That's where I got them too. I don't know. I used to use them as moorings for boats and as you can see, ducted fans for Town planes. Calum (24 years ago, 28-Nov-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Misuse of Technic Parts!
(...) Thanks! I've never used unusual angles either. Speaking of unusual angles, I ended up riding the RT the other evening to Scarborough Town Centre. I think I may have a solution to your RT building project: Try offspacing door and wall segments (...) (24 years ago, 27-Nov-00, to

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