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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 15458
    Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —Chris Magno
   (...) Thanks Rob, By nature I'm a cheap SOB. I know all about the "real" sump pump backup systems. For a few hundred you can get a (car) battery operated back up. I have also seen the water pressure back up ones. The trade off is with the location (...) (19 years ago, 9-Jan-06, to
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —Derek Raycraft
   (...) You could always use one of these: (URL) (19 years ago, 9-Jan-06, to
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —Chris Magno
   (...) A version of that IS my current back up system. Some time ago, when those (&^&^$ at hydro couldn't get there (^(*^ together(1) and My neighborhood lost power for a day, I had to use a 5 gallon bucket as the backup system. At night, I set my (...) (19 years ago, 9-Jan-06, to
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —Rob Antonishen
   (...) I made a pump for sucking water from my pool cover like this: (URL) 2" PVC in the vertical pipe you get get about 1/3 gal. per stroke (for a 30" stroke, easilly managable) The most expensive things were the two check valves... Now hook the (...) (19 years ago, 9-Jan-06, to
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —C. L. GunningCook
   (...) Its okay Rob, as a "spouse" I had to sign that NDA too... but we can tell rtl, no one reads it anyway. Janey "Mums the word, Red Brick" (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —Chris Magno
   (...) i KNEW IT!!!!! you hydro ^%*^&'s. Debt recovery my bum. bill me for "line loss" will you. how about you get better wires!! Hydro ONE my A&&! ;) Chris (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —C. L. GunningCook
   (...) Ummm Chris, just a little friendly warning necktie style. You ~might~ not want to take the almighty Hydro name in vain. [Logs in to previously mentioned but not confirmed computer. (Yes, I know, BP isnt Hydro anymore, but the password still (...) (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —Rob Antonishen
   (...) OK Chris - You found me out. (URL) Figured hitting the business would punish you more than home.. Plus I don't want to inconvenience your kids from reheating their pizza pops in the microwave... :) -Rob A> (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to, FTX)
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —Chris Magno
     (...) ---...--- OMG!!!...!!! !!!...!!! !!!...!!! ROTF!!!!!! LM(F)AO!!!...!!! Rob, you just gave me more laughs with that one post, then I have had all week. Thank you! Now back to the smack. ---...--- Well done. Nice touch with the "are you sure" (...) (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —Calum Tsang
     (...) Just be careful you don't turn out the lights at the bakery next door! JohnG wouldn't be able to get his pretzels and I wouldn't be able to get strudel and other pastries. Calum (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to, FTX)
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —C. L. GunningCook
     (...) Oh sure, thanks Rob... I set you up and you get the great laugh!!! Thanks a lot! I hate being the straight man. Wink. Im taking my horta eggs and going home! Pout Janey "Red Brick" (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —David Koudys
   In, Rob Antonishen wrote: <snip> (...) All that money and they can't even get a decent spell checker... I'm with Chris--Hydro 1 my a&&!!!! (1) Dave K 1- just kidding ;) (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to, FTX)
        Re: OT: APC back-UPS pro 1400 —C. L. GunningCook
   (...) Nah Dave, if they did have a spell checker, you would know it's Hydro "WON"... cause you know the rest of us haven't. Janey "Whew ~my~ lights are still on, Red Brick" (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to, FTX)

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