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Re: Spybotic
Wed, 7 Sep 2005 13:58:27 GMT
610 times
In, Chris Magno wrote:
so, i finally got around to "parting" this cheap $35 CAN spybot thing.
its not the cool gigamesh one....

im to lazy to run the CD.


what can i do with this thing?  i skimed the .spybot group.  and it
seems like you can U/L to it.....  an i erase the firmware???  where
would i find it to re-load it if i wanted to?


oh ya.  Balance of power... DAVE, i need more of steves balls.  ya got any?

I don't have too many more--we gave 'em all out for GBC's that never happened...

I'll look around but I only have 20-30 left.

Thankfully, we get GBC's working at hte Hobby SHow...


Message has 1 Reply:
  have you got the balls? - Re: Spybotic
(...) If you guys really need more, I can send you some more. I really think you guys should have the balls to create a nice GBC. (20 years ago, 7-Sep-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
so, i finally got around to "parting" this cheap $35 CAN spybot thing. its not the cool gigamesh one.... im to lazy to run the CD. ummm what can i do with this thing? i skimed the .spybot group. and it seems like you can U/L to it..... an i erase (...) (20 years ago, 7-Sep-05, to

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