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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 13528
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) Do we really need a weight restriction? I mean, if you really want to load yer bad boy up with lead bricks bought off BrickLink, go right ahead. Calum (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) It's easier and heavier to do it with battery boxes. I have more then enough of those. In the MIT contest, how do they handle this? Derek (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) I don't know, I've been trying to find the MIT contest webpages but I haven't been able to turn them up. I think there was a size and weight restriction in the original contest. Actually, come to think of it, all I remember was Alan Alda in (...) (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) Derek's got a good point - lead bricks aren't necessary - lots of battery boxes with dead batteries, or, 8466 tires. I would suggest a digital postal scale for event day, or a mechanical LEGO-built scale. Anyone UNDER the defined weight limit (...) (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) Another thought is to use some external source to hold the beam still for the first 10 to 20 seconds of the contest, allowing both robots to do their stuff, and then let the beam go. That should have the effect of slowing down the super-fast, (...) (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) Found these: (URL) clear photos of the actual setup, but the prof in charge does mention Lego as an inspiration. -nk (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) (URL) seems kinda... odd. The instant it starts to move in one direction, it's going to "snap" over and that's the end....? Iain (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) Yeah, the center of gravity of the whole assembly is ABOVE the beam, so the whole thing is by definition unstable. Weird. I didn't quite get it either. Are we missing something? My thinking is (and I built a quick model from LEGO) that we (...) (20 years ago, 2-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) So back to the T, right? (...) Without saying too much, I think it might be a good idea for the moment to stick to Home Depot supplies. :-/ Iain (20 years ago, 2-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) Well, be aware the tiltiwhatever the hell was a "live" contest. The students had to control their machines using air pumps by hand or something and they were given like four air lines into the machine from a stationary control point. Calum (20 years ago, 2-Mar-05, to
  Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events
(...) It wont just topple as it is "spring" return to centre...This puts the whole system in dynamic oscillation (especially with the 8lb ball swinging...) groked more of the orifinal MIT site. 2001 contest table details here (URL) shaft is hollow (...) (20 years ago, 3-Mar-05, to

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