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Re: Dreaming of a European Legofest
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 15:15:57 GMT
1336 times
Excellent ideas, I´ll join you !

Combining the opening of Legoland Germany and an European Legofest sounds very
exciting. I´ll check with TLC Germany, when they open. My idea is to have an
European Legofest every year (or maybe every second) which takes places in a
different country each year. This still would leave the question where to
start. I think LUGNET local UK has got the most traffic. So there would/could
be enough Afols to get something started. Somewhere close to Windsor perhaps ?
Or maybe we could get sponsored by Legoland Windsor ?
Well just some thoughts for the beginning...

See You all then, dö

In, Eric Hampusgård writes:
Count me in as well!

Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote...
Sounds like a fun idea. I think I will come. Northern
France/Southern Germany sounds like a reasonable location
(except for for people in Northern Sweden and Norway ;-).

Since english is our common language maybe southern UK is an
alternative as well. London is big and nice but as every large
city around, not always that inexpensive. Otherwise I think
that somewhere in BeNeLux would be great, just as norhtern
France or western Germany.

When does the german Legoland open? If it's not that far off
maybe that's the time and place?

// Eric (some 2000 km away)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Dreaming of a European Legofest
I'm glad and excited my idea aroused so much interest. As for the location, I agree with all of you that northern France, BeNeLux and Germany would be the best choice from a geographical point of view. On the other side, as Jacob properly pointed (...) (25 years ago, 2-Dec-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Dreaming of a European Legofest
Count me in as well! Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote... (...) Since english is our common language maybe southern UK is an alternative as well. London is big and nice but as every large city around, not always that inexpensive. Otherwise I think that (...) (25 years ago, 2-Dec-99, to

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