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 Off-Topic / Pun / 807
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Re: NeeD Lego Praise
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 14:30:34 GMT
1497 times
In, Matthew Gerber writes:
In, Lindsay Frederick Braun writes:
In, Matthew Gerber writes:
Shale I add to this thread atoll?

  If you can coral a few, I'm happy.  You won't make
  anemone out of *me* at least.

Chalk it up to a pun basalt-on-the-senses!

  We opened up a vol-can-o' punning whupass!

Geordan, when you pun here, you have to think outside of the
bauxite...hoodoo you think can come up with these crystal clear puns? That's
what I'd like you to talus all. I think it is concrete that you can hold
your own.

  Lith-en here, he' stoned down his b-lustre.

The puns thus tar have been as solid as bedrock, but as always, I refuse to
cave in...the perfect pun...that is my coal!

  Your puns are indeed the schist, but they

  ;)  (I'm really sinking into the depths for *that* one)


I'm beginning to believe we're all going to get stoned for these puns...

...or is that we are all "getting" stoned on these puns?

Either way...


You guys are being too gneiss.  What kind of plutonic relationships do we
have here?  Instead of stimulating each other's orogenesis zones, I say kick
the schist outta each other.  You dips should be on strike, but then, that's
your fault.  Get my continental drift?  Of quartz, you may have a different
view, but no doubt it is fractured, friable and lacking in the adamantine
luster of truth.  We won't even go into the lack of specific gravity in your
statements.  I guess I'm not an alluvial fan of all these puns.

Or am I being a caldera?*


*(an ash hole)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: NeeD Lego Praise
(...) Ge-ologist punning is making me heave! (24 years ago, 6-Sep-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: NeeD Lego Praise
(...) Boy... I'm beginning to believe we're all going to get stoned for these puns... ...or is that we are all "getting" stoned on these puns? Either way... Matt (24 years ago, 6-Sep-01, to

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