Re: NeeD Lego Praise
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 20:08:44 GMT
1373 times
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Shale I add to this thread atoll?
Chalk it up to a pun basalt-on-the-senses!
Geordan, when you pun here, you have to think outside of the
bauxite...hoodoo you think can come up with these crystal clear puns? That's
what I'd like you to talus all. I think it is concrete that you can hold
your own.
The puns thus tar have been as solid as bedrock, but as always, I refuse to
cave in...the perfect pun...that is my coal!
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: NeeD Lego Praise
| ARG!!! I gotta stop here Quarry guys, this is the end of my punning skills, My skills have hit the dirt, I'm stopping on the grounds of incomprehensability. Talc to ya soon! -Geordan- (...) (24 years ago, 5-Sep-01, to
|  | | Re: NeeD Lego Praise
| (...) If you can coral a few, I'm happy. You won't make anemone out of *me* at least. (...) We opened up a vol-can-o' punning whupass! (...) Lith-en here, he' stoned down his b-lustre. (...) Your puns are indeed the schist, but they (...) (24 years ago, 6-Sep-01, to
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