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Re: announcing TrackDraw (BrickFest preview)
Tue, 2 Sep 2003 17:07:22 GMT
64 times
In, Cary Clark wrote:

This is very interesting, but I want to set expectations clearly:
- I will not spend any time porting TrackDraw to another platform.
- I will release sources with the executable so that others may do so.
- I will not integrate changes made by others, if those changes do not
benefit the Windows port, and take a lot of time.

In support of the LAST point (below), which strikes me as the most important
point (why do hobby stuff it it's not FUN???)... I would suggest that all
platform changes that others do be done using the equivalent of #IFDEF so that
the .net version compiles without even knowing they are there, or something

- The moment working on TrackDraw is not fun, I will quit working on it.

Hope my suggestion is of some use.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: announcing TrackDraw (BrickFest preview)
(...) ... This is very interesting, but I want to set expectations clearly: - I will not spend any time porting TrackDraw to another platform. - I will release sources with the executable so that others may do so. - I will not integrate changes made (...) (21 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to,

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