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Re: twisted map
Sat, 8 Jun 2002 16:29:24 GMT
580 times
Christopher Tracey <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
As a side project, I've been working (or is that nonworking?(1)) on some
contributions for a zine(2) about  "amatuer cartography".  It's going to
be a collection of maps people make to describe their local
neighborhood.  I don't think there is going to any serious surveying
contained within it.  So far there have been some amazing
contributions-- a map of a punk house and everyone who ever lived there
over a number of years- in scroll form, a overally detailed map of a
somehouse including placement of nick-knacks arounf the house, small
direction maps scribbled on scraps of paper that he found lying on the
street. It's going to be amazing.


oh do provide more info on that little side project of yours, maybe on a
little site of it's own? it really sounds interesting. i drew little maps
ever since i can remember, not that much survived, and i noticed that the
bionicle theme and a map of bali i have inspired my nephews to lots of
matanui type maps. btw . . . does anyone know of maps of the miniland
sections of the legoland parks. it would help to identify some buildings and
keep track of changes. i've seen some that tlc uses for the rc parts.
needn't be GIS, UTM or mercator . . . though on second thoughts some
connection to td or ldraw would be really cool . . . i'd dump the lego
island vector map info into the flight simulator - jump on my magic carpet .
. . ok i was dreaming -


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: twisted map
(...) cool. very cool. (...) cool, i would occasionally go down to the museum at the USGS HQ in Virginia and examine the collection of historical survey devices. (...) Well, I first started work with mapping when I spent two years providing (...) (23 years ago, 5-Jun-02, to

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