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Re: Custom launchers in Gnome panels?
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 16:21:06 GMT
5581 times
On Thu, 2 Mar 2000 06:15:21 GMT Todd Lehman <> wrote
concerning 'Re: Custom launchers in Gnome panels?':
Er, I should be more specific about what I'd like to do...  I just want a
little applet that sits there and runs in a panel, and has a simple little
15-character edit box, and when I type stuff into the edit box and press
Enter, I want it to URL-escape the text I typed, paste that onto the end of
a hard-coded URL, and then pass that URL to Netscape Navigator on the command
line.  For example, in Perl, the guts of it would go something like this:

   sub runquery ($$)
      my ($baseurl, $query) = @_;
      $query =~ s/([^\ A-Za-z0-9\-\_\.])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg;
      $query =~ tr/ /+/;
      system("netscape $baseurl$query &");

And that's the whole program!  :-)  I just don't know how to hack up the GUI
portion which calls the invoke() function under Gnome, that's all.  (Not yet,
anyway -- too many years suffering under Bill Gates -- and still pretty green
to this most excellent Gnome thing.  :)

hmmm...  while I don't use the gnome stuff myself (too fancy, I like
FVWM too much), why not write the whole thing in perl/tk and attach it
to a hotkey?  something like alt-L on the root window will popup an
input box, and url-ify the content, and pass it to


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Custom launchers in Gnome panels?
(...) Er, I should be more specific about what I'd like to do... I just want a little applet that sits there and runs in a panel, and has a simple little 15-character edit box, and when I type stuff into the edit box and press Enter, I want it to (...) (25 years ago, 2-Mar-00, to

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