Re: awk vs. perl for simple tasks
Thu, 6 May 1999 02:35:11 GMT
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In, (Sproaticus) writes:
> Todd Lehman wrote:
> > I think perl has a command line option to process STDIN line-by-line in a
> > simple way (i.e. short number of keystrokes) like awk does
> Hmmm... I *think* a2p handles this by giving the perl script the
> "while(<>)" loop. I don't think perl will do that by itself.
Aha, here it is: perl -ane
> > BTW, I think Larry Wall once commented or wrote something to the effect of,
> > "awk still has to be better than perl at something."
> Check perlvar, in the section on $/ (input record separator) -- in Perl, it
> can only be a regular string, but in awk, it can be a re.
FS is awk is the field separator, not the record separator. The record
separator in awk is RS.
Hmm, doesn't look like Perl has an input field separator -- only an output
field separator $, and input/output record separators $/ and $\.
Oh well. I guess the way to do it is
... | perl -ne 'chomp; my @F=split /\t/; print "$F[0]\n"'
and at that point it's probably easier to make some little field-
extraction wrappers. :)
> Personally, I'd undef $/, snarf the entire file, and do a split with an re
> on it. But then, I'm not so familiar with awk. :-,
That's good if you're snarfing up relatively small files, but what if you're
processing 100 megabytes of STDIN -- say, looking through an httpd log? And
live tail -f even? :)
Message has 2 Replies: | | Re: awk vs. perl for simple tasks
| (...) Hmmm, I don't think I'm old enough for that yet. :-D I've just picked up Perl relatively recently. I'd hesitate to do a 100 Mb STDIO pipe on any MS platform. In DOS and Win16/95/98 (which are single-tasking OS's no matter what MS tells you), (...) (26 years ago, 6-May-99, to
| | | Re: awk vs. perl for simple tasks
| (...) It just occurred to me how useful a live tail util would be. How would you implement one in Perl? Would the one at PPT (1) be the one to check out? Cheers, - jsproat 1. (URL) Jeremy H. Sproat <> (URL) the Force be with (...) (26 years ago, 18-May-99, to
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: awk vs. perl for simple tasks
| (...) Hmmm... I *think* a2p handles this by giving the perl script the "while(<>)" loop. I don't think perl will do that by itself. (...) Check perlvar, in the section on $/ (input record separator) -- in Perl, it can only be a regular string, but (...) (26 years ago, 5-May-99, to
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