Re: Stolen picture in Lego Theme Gallery?
Wed, 26 Jul 2000 18:57:59 GMT
1143 times
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In lugnet.general, Dave Schuler writes:
> In lugnet.general, Eric Kingsley writes:
> > I'm sorry but this is actually getting quite humorous. How long do you think
> > the LEGO folks actually look at the pictures before they get put up for
> > voting? I mean really this one takes the cake.
> >
> > Obviously the folks at LEGO really don't care too much about this little
> > contest no matter what they put in their disclaimer.
> I'll be sure to win the next round after I've submitted my highly original
> Futuron Monorail. I can't wait!
> Dave!
I remember someone submitted this set once, and it got in third or
something place.
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