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 General / 20617
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Re: Stolen picture in Lego Theme Gallery?
Fri, 28 Jul 2000 19:58:48 GMT
1903 times
"Fredrik Glöckner" wrote:

"Greg Majewski" <> writes:

Right. We also need more than several of us to mail them at and tell them to abolish the process of sending
images via the internet.

I like the idea of sending images via the internet.  I like seeing other
people's MOCs, and if they required a photo to be sent in snail mail,
I bet they wouldn't get so many contestants.

It is probably impossible to verify that an image is not stolen.  Take
the black Mad Max Interceptor which was on the fourth place in the theme
gallery, for example.  The original images can be found at

Apart from that, I don't think the author has a personal web page with
his creations on.  Now, how would someone from the web club know that
they needed to check the above location?

BTW, does this mean that there is a total of five stolen images out of
eight in total?

And on a side note, I don't think the author of the black Mad Max
Interceptor has a web page with the model on.

He does - I remember visiting it WAY back when he posted about it and loving
it.  I have no idea what the URL is, though.

In stead he mailed me all
the images!  Completely unsolicited.  He has also mailed me images of a
new, even larger Audi A6 model he made.

I'd love to see that!

I've told him he would be
better off uploading them to a web page, but I haven't seen them yet.


Tom Stangl
***DSM Visual FAQ home
***SF Bay Area DSMs

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Stolen picture in Lego Theme Gallery?
(...) You're sure it wasn't simply the web page at Fredrik (25 years ago, 28-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Stolen picture in Lego Theme Gallery?
Speaking of Stolen creations, What is this JJ SIERRA.COM doing with my Open top hummer. I have working on a successful Hummer for 3 years and I don't take stealing lightly. Compare for yourself My 4 door soft top Hummer SECOND one down. color blue (...) (25 years ago, 29-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Stolen picture in Lego Theme Gallery?
(...) I like the idea of sending images via the internet. I like seeing other people's MOCs, and if they required a photo to be sent in snail mail, I bet they wouldn't get so many contestants. It is probably impossible to verify that an image is not (...) (25 years ago, 28-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)

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