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 Off-Topic / Fun / 5032
    Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Markus Wolf
   (...) but (...) Orcs.) Tsk tsk. Lord of the Rings? Isn't that the story of those little boys who live on the island and kill each other? I think the one was named Piggy? :O) Sorry, but you there's no comparison between the pop culture recognition of (...) (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to  
        Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Kevin Knoot
     (...) think (...) broke (...) Don't forget your target audience: the under 10 set. LOTR may be cool to us, but don't hang your hopes on it being embraced by your average 6 year old or his/her parents, if the parents would even let their wee ones (...) (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to  
        Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Jeremy H. Sproat
     (...) No, that's Gilligan's Island. At least, the episode I wanted to see but they never aired. :-, LotF is such a psycho book. I was about to throw it away at the end, until the very last bit where the guy looks at the ship...then it all clicked. (...) (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to  
         Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Jeff Stembel
      (...) lol!!! That's a good one! :) (...) Have you convinced her to try them? :) (...) Didn't he have the entire story (not to mention tons of the history) complete in his head long before he wrote them down? Lucas sure doesn't... (...) Yes, I do... (...) (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to  
          Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Jeremy H. Sproat
      (...) Yah, but they're too long. :-, I've described _The Hobbit_ to her many times, and in some depth, and so I suspect that some time in her life, she'll end up reading at least that one. (...) Any good storyteller will tell you that the idea's (...) (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to  
          Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —John Robert Blaze Kanehl
       (...) My sister knows how much I loved these books, but how little time i had to reread them when i was constantly on the road, driving all over creation for business, so she found 2 sets of cds at (I believe) that are from a BBC (...) (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to  
           Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Frank Filz
       (...) And in fact is. I have a nifty little book which is a bunch of research on Tolkien's writings. (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to
           Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Lindsay Frederick Braun
        (...) Or, if you want the semi-pejorative analysis of Tolkien ("warts and all"), you can pick up the acerbic, possibly polemical, _Inventing the Middle Ages_ by Norman Cantor; he gets into the ugliness and downright weirdness involved in creating (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to
          Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Steve Bliss
      (...) Is it not nifty? BTW, Sproat, thanks for exposing me to Sluggy. My life has never been the same. :) Steve (25 years ago, 16-Apr-00, to
         Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Shiri Dori
     (...) LOL! (...) Same here. We watched the movie in pshycology class, I got very close to PEWCing... Uch. (...) Um, well, I actually *didn't* see the ending... can you email me and tell me what happened? :-) -Shiri (25 years ago, 15-Apr-00, to
         Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Craig Hamilton
     (...) hey, y'all ~ LOTF is one of my faves! mostly because of the connection i find in it to my all-time favourite book. the LOTF characters remind me of the lost boys in peter pan! both books explore the the angst, isolation, and frustration of (...) (25 years ago, 15-Apr-00, to  
        Re: A good use for Jar Jar figs. —Mike Petrucelli
    Just in case you still haven't figured this out. (...) That is Lord of the Flies. Big Difference. (...) Ha Ha. Lord of the Rings is so ingrained into pop-culture you don't even know it. It basicly invented the current day idea of wizards, dragons, (...) (25 years ago, 15-Apr-00, to  

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