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Re: Traffic page link
Fri, 9 Apr 1999 15:27:45 GMT
498 times
John Neal wrote:
Well, *I* would never defend anyone's right to enjoy salesmen (or women for that
matter) ground up into little bits and served in spam, or any other lunch meat.
It's disgusting, and I object to any insinuation that......And now for something
completely different......spam spam spam spam Spamity SPAM SPAMITY SPAM!

Well, you don't have to eat the salesmen (or women) if you don't want to.
We have quite a variety of ground-up men (or women) of many different
professions for you to consume.

Here, you will see our lovely telephone repairman (or woman) cake.  And
right next to it is a delicious fireman (or woman) cake with mint
sprinkles.  And next to that, is the Spanish Inquisition?

Well, *I* didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.



- jsproat

Jeremy H. Sproat <>
"The world will not perish for want of wonders but for want of wonder"
-- British scientist J. B. S. Haldane (1892-1964)

*burst in* NO-BODY EXPECTS the...  Oh, bugger.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Traffic page link
(...) *ding* A customer enters a spamcake shop. Customer: 'Ello, I wish to register a complaint. (The owner does not respond.) C: 'Ello, Miss? Owner: What do you mean "miss"? C: <pause> I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint! O: We're (...) (26 years ago, 9-Apr-99, to

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  Re: Traffic page link
Well, *I* would never defend anyone's right to enjoy salesmen (or women for that matter) ground up into little bits and served in spam, or any other lunch meat. It's disgusting, and I object to any insinuation that......And now for something (...) (26 years ago, 9-Apr-99, to

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