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 Off-Topic / Debate / 8652
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What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 15:33:47 GMT
19 times

**Warning: Hypothetical situation only!**

I was speaking with a friend last night and we were wondering what would
happen if TLC bought the rights to Lugnet?


1. The recurring examples of TLC staff refering customers to Lugnet,

2. TLC personnel using the Lugnet database as an internal tool for research,

3. Many succesful enterprises have been bought by or merged with their
competition (The Hotmail/Microsoft example comes to mind),

4. That practically every Lego-related webpage (most of the big ones anyway)
on the net are linked to Lugnet,

5. Lugnet has succeded (where the official Lego site has not) in becoming
the center (I know there are others, 1000.steine comes to mind) of the Lego
Community on the Web.

How long before TLC decides they want in?

Say, tomorrow morning, TLC went to Todd and Suzanne with a check for 10
million dollars (Hypothetical number) and said we wish to purchase the
rights to your website. How would we, the community, react?

I wish to reiterate that this post is *hypothetical* and was not written to
start flame wars or to demonize anybody, but to simply ask what if...?


Message has 9 Replies:
  Re: What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
Why would they bother - it probably serves their purposes right now (remember TLC has given funds to LUGNET). If it were to become part of, Lego would either have to moderate some of the views spouted here (about Lego and other matters), or (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
(...) The first thing I would do is find a way to guilt them into picking up bar tabs from now on. But after that, I think my interest in Lugnet would remain about constant- as long as TLC was simply the monetary force behind Lugnet, and nothing (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
(...) <snip> (...) If nothing changed, I would shrug, and go on with life. If there were any significant changes in design or policy, I'd probably regress to RTL, and wait for some AFOL with the time and resources to start up LUANET (or something). (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
(...) I would say Woo Hoo! for Todd and Suzanne!!! Then ask for a loan ;-). Hypothetically its a topic for discussion but realistically I doubt it would happen. The bad of course would be that LEGO would undoubtedly monitor, and censor, content so (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
(...) They could send us plane tickets along with the wedding invites to LLC. ;^) I think TLC would likely "Juniorize" the place. *shudder* ~Mark "Muffin Head" Sandlin (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
Kevin Zwicker wrote in message ... (...) Just to qualify this: LUGNET is the centre of the ADULT Lego community on the Web. In spite of what's said on here about Lego's own website, they get a very large number of hits and it's a very popular and (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
"Kevin Zwicker" <> wrote in message (...) I would be happier if Lugnet bought TLC Then at least we might seem some decent sets :-) regards lawrence (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
(...) Bad, methinks, for us LUGNETers. I think that the level of freedom and topic range would be more exposed to censor. I don't think that LUGNET should EVER be sold, and I'm willing to put my money forth just to keep it the way it is. LUGNET is (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: What would happen if ... TLC bought Lugnet ?
I probably shouldn't even reply to this thread, but it just caused me to choke and spit Quaker oatmeal [1] at my Mac. three words: Ain't Gonna Happen But if it did, I can imagine... the news cameras surrounding us, microphones, a reporter screaming, (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,,

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