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 Off-Topic / Debate / 7368
7367  |  7369
Re: Boy sues (and wins) for NOT being aborted
Fri, 17 Nov 2000 20:33:48 GMT
216 times
In, Dave Schuler writes:
In, Jon Kozan writes:

The funny thing about life is that if you don't now it any other way, you
accept it the way it is. I'm certain that even though this boy is not able
to communicate with us the way a 'normal' person is, he is still alive and
would like his existance to continue.

That is a horrifically presumptuous and naive statement.  If your claim
were true, there would be no history of euthanasia, nor suicide, nor
assisted suicide.

No, not true.
I, at least, preface my opinions with 'I', to not my opinions
You, have felt it neccessarily to use insult, though. ("naive")
Unfortunately, this is a time-tested liberal tactic, and I can expose it.
Liberal tactic #1 - Resort to name-calling to arouse emotion in lieu of reason.

My comment was only in reference to this boy, for whom we only have the
information at hand - that the suit was brought my the parents, not the boy.
Therefore, my opinion on this situation is, in the least, valid, if not
completely accurate.

Your logic fails to apply to this situation.

We 'normal' folks like to play God and judge the 'value' of that human life
(and sometimes end it), while we simultaneously choose to save all sorts of
less intelligent animals and plants.

Again, quite naive.  The issue is not simply the 'value' of human life but
rather the quality of that life, and for you to claim some knowledge that
others "would like [their] existance (sic) to continue" is as presumptuous
as claiming that someone else most likely would prefer to end his life.

Dave (no personal offense intended) - you missed the point here as well.
As above, I'm speaking on my opinion in just this case, which you are
certianly welcome to disagree with, but ...
Don't presume to place yourself in the position of God over anyone, which
you do when you start to evaluate "quality of life".
I, at least, value humans, which, I see, you don't.

Let's be open about our positions. I don't judge the life of others, you
presume to.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Boy sues (and wins) for NOT being aborted
(...) Kinda like what you just did with that statement, eh? Liberals and conservatives alike will often say whatever they think it will take to "win" the point or at least get the goat of the other guy. Both sides indulge in name-calling and (...) (24 years ago, 17-Nov-00, to
  Re: Boy sues (and wins) for NOT being aborted
(...) Well, sort of. A statement of certitude differs from an expression of opinion in that certitude implies fact or truth. Had you said "I think that even though this boy..." it would have expressed your opinion and eliminated any need for (...) (24 years ago, 17-Nov-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Boy sues (and wins) for NOT being aborted
(...) That is a horrifically presumptuous and naive statement. If your claim were true, there would be no history of euthanasia, nor suicide, nor assisted suicide. (...) Again, quite naive. The issue is not simply the 'value' of human life but (...) (24 years ago, 17-Nov-00, to

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