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 Off-Topic / Debate / 22532
22531  |  22533
Re: And now for some fluff after all the heavy conversations...
Wed, 22 Oct 2003 02:43:33 GMT
413 times
In, Richard Marchetti wrote:
   In, Mike Petrucelli wrote:
   Well now don’t be silly. If drugs were legal we wouldn’t have near as much crime to blame other things on.

Just to keep it tidy -- he was not convicted of anything to do with drugs. He was convicted of selling rather common type pipes and water pipes.

What?! Yeah thats not a violation of his constitutional rights or anything.

   The fact that those items can be used to smoke an illegal substance is not an
   issue in my view.


Is abusing FTX images a TOS violation? It should be, huh?

Ok that picture was just messed up. This calls for...

-General Insanity

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: And now for some fluff after all the heavy conversations...
(...) Your powers cannot save you! (URL) -- Hop-Frog (21 years ago, 22-Oct-03, to, FTX)

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  Re: And now for some fluff after all the heavy conversations...
(...) Just to keep it tidy -- he was not convicted of anything to do with drugs. He was convicted of selling rather common type pipes and water pipes. The fact that those items can be used to smoke an illegal substance is not an issue in my view. (...) (21 years ago, 22-Oct-03, to, FTX)

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