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 Off-Topic / Debate / 18904
18903  |  18905
Re: People are idiots...
Sat, 8 Feb 2003 05:59:08 GMT
355 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
Fundamentally, if you think capitalism can operate without property rights,
your understanding of capitalism is flawed. The mafia are not capitalists.
It's socialism that operates without respect for rights, not capitalism.

Well, my good friend Larry, you are totally wrong here.  Capitalism is
nothing more than putting a price on everything, including the rights.  Your
definition of capitalism is idealized.  On the other hand, socialism does
NOT operate without respect of rights.  It is more of a social commitment.
You accept that you are part of a whole, that you will work for the nation,
but that the nation will pay you in return of your services so that you can
live your life the way you want.  Mabe you meant communism?  This is more of
an extreme social commitment, where property is void and everthing is about
the society, the "whole".  Of course, communism never existed.  What existed
in some countries like USSR and China was more of a oligarchy, a system
where, opposed to communism where everybody is equal, a small group of
person controls the power and everything.

Of course, in real world, the least-worst (best in a pejorative way) system
IS capitalism.  But it also means that richs get richer and poors, well,
they eat sh*t.  Some societies, like norden-European countries (Sweden for
example) are more socialists that capitalists.  They have excellent Health
systems, every children has food, excellent social programs, but they pay a
lot (try over 50% of revenue) in income tax.  In Canada, the system is not
as good, but it's similar.  In Québec, where i live, it's in between Canada
and Sweden.  So, being very incline to socialism doesn't make us "operates
without respect for rights", au contraire, but insures that we all get
services if we need an operation or higher education and we are not

This is what some of your Presidents tried to do.  Clinton tried his best to
implement a health care system, but Republicans stopped him.  Carted tried
it too.  Same failure, same reason.  It's a social choice.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: People are idiots...
(...) True capitalism is more than just supply and demand, it requires recognition of property rights. Selling stuff that you stole is just thuggery or fencing, not capitalism. (...) All rights are property rights. What is right is to respect them. (...) (22 years ago, 7-Feb-03, to

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