Israel and Palestine
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 16:16:01 GMT
432 times
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Here are some 'yes or no' questions and I've already supplied my answers for
you, Larry. Hopefully, these are all the answers you need:
1. Do I think the current Zionist state of Israel has a right to exist? No.
2. Do I think the state of Israel should exist provided there is also a state
of Palestine? Yes.
3. Do I think Jewish people have a right to exist? Yes.
4. Do I think non-Semetic European Jews have a legitimate birthright claim to
Palestinian land? No.
5. Do Israelis currently deserve to live in peace. No.
6. Do Palestinians have the right to return to their land and homes and the
right of self determination? Yes.
7. Do Palestinians have the right to violently resist Israeli occupation? Yes.
8. Do I agree with Palestinians killing Israeli civilians? No.
9. Do I agree with Palestinians killing Israeli soldiers? Yes.
10. Is the Palestinian Authority struggling with internal corruption? Yes.
11. Do I agree that the PLO in general is a terrorist organization? No.
12. Do I believe America should support Israel? No.
Message has 3 Replies: | | Re: Israel and Palestine
| (...) Thanks for the cogent restatement! (...) ... but forgive me if the answers raise more questions (...) I can see your reasoning even if I don't agree... but how would the chain of events unfold to get from 1 to 2 below? Does the current state (...) (23 years ago, 9-Oct-01, to
| | | Re: Israel and Palestine
| (...) Are you prepared to support complete and full reparation of all property taken from these European Jews? Personally, I'd actually like to see that. I also wonder if their concerns had been taken seriously earlier whether we would be in the (...) (23 years ago, 9-Oct-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: More on Palestine
| (...) thinking about how events would unfold. Had these events unfolded as promised, the PA would recognise the right of Israel to exist, correct? Yet you still apparently do not, correct? I went to what I think is the official PA site (...) (23 years ago, 9-Oct-01, to
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