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 Off-Topic / Debate / 11915
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) Do you think they really could understand how it could work out? How modern media makes politicians almost instantly accountable? How in transparent systems, like the UK, those funding politicians would be dragged out into the open? You will (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) Not the details, but the general idea. (...) Probably not. But I'm not sure that it is a significant difference in the context of protection of freedoms. It is certainly significant from the POV of the potential politician. (...) I just don't (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
My goodness Scott has been busy, hasn't he? I lost count of his posts this morning. Including some real gems like "Why?" as the entire body of his reply. (...) Agreed. Scott is wrong in suggesting that they wouldn't be able to think ahead, if that's (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
My goodness Scott has been busy, hasn't he? I lost count of his posts this morning. Including some real gems like "Why?" as the entire body of his reply. (...) Agreed. Scott is wrong in suggesting that they wouldn't be able to think ahead, if that's (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) So busy, Larry, you've had to post twice just to keep up! :-) I was curious about the shortening of the shotgun though. Over here the sawn-off shotgun is the stereotypical east-end small-time shop/bank/bookie's raider's (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) Prisoners. Some previous prisoners. Children. many mental health patients. The homeless. People with a sloppy hand. Did I miss any? Chris (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) Are you kidding? Chris (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) Um, no I didn't. Right now we have a system in which whoever spends the most has the better chance of being elected. The money they spend doesn't actually DO anything other than enrich PR/media organizations. (not bad in and of itself, mind (...) (24 years ago, 21-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) It shows how time changes things. What was good a few 100 years ago, might not be quite so good today. Scott A (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) I am still sure I posted far less than other noise makers around here. :) (...) I think they would be able to think ahead. But not 100's of years ahaed. (...) I'm not wrong - you just do not agree. Right now, If I wanted, I could check the (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) A smiley is indeed needed. This view is a parody of a libertarian stereotype: More Property = More Rights Scott A (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to

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