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 Off-Topic / Debate / 11915
11914  |  11916
Re: Handgun Death Rate
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 08:47:22 GMT
625 times
In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Scott Arthur writes:

Do you think the could conciev how powerful democarcy would come. How
everyone (more or less) would be able to vote? Or do you think they had
events like the French revolution in mind?

This one is so riddled with typos I can't make it out. Would you please
repeat the question, this time carefully checking for correctness? Thanks.


Just so you know that Larry's not just being rude because of
your...special...relationship, I have no idea what you're saying either.  I
think that I've put the words individually all back together, but I still just
don't know what you mean by the first sentence in particular.

Are you talking about the rise of 'powerful democracy' or the innate power of
democracy, or something else?  I do assume they understood that everyone could
vote...unless I am again failing to get your drift.

Do you think they really could understand how it could work out? How modern
media makes politicians almost instantly accountable? How in transparent
systems, like the UK, those funding politicians would be dragged out into
the open?

You will have to educate me a little here, did everyone get the vote from
day one? Men and woman at the same age? African Americans? Native Americans?
Were the ballots secret? Did husbands vote for there wives?

Scott A

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) Not the details, but the general idea. (...) Probably not. But I'm not sure that it is a significant difference in the context of protection of freedoms. It is certainly significant from the POV of the potential politician. (...) I just don't (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) Scott, Just so you know that Larry's not just being rude because of your...special...relationship, I have no idea what you're saying either. I think that I've put the words individually all back together, but I still just don't know what you (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jul-01, to

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